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About Art-Invest Real Estate
Art-Invest Real Estate (AIRE) is an experienced investor, developer and asset manager operating across key gateway cities in Germany, Austria and the United Kingdom.
Established in 2010, the business operates as a private partnership with the Zech Group and the managing partners as shareholders. The group invests and manages on behalf of its proprietary capital, regulated institutional funds and select separate accounts and actively pursues a “manage to core” investment strategy across the risk spectrum. Sector focus is principally the office, retail, hotel, residential and data centres. Since 2012, the company has been licensed to operate as a regulated fund manager in accordance with German investment law (KAGB). During this period Art-Invest Real Estate Funds has successfully launched more than 20 regulated funds for a variety of institutional investors.
In total, Art-Invest Real Estate currently manages real estate assets of approx. 12.5 billion euros. Art-Invest Real Estate is one of the largest office developers in Germany.
Art-Invest Real Estate is also an innovation leader through its portfolio of investments across the value chain. These encompass the flexible office space sector; venture capital; data centre development and operation; IT service provision; the development of micro-living and serviced apartments; and the provision of technology for intelligent buildings.