Neuer Stahlhof

1920s charm in a modern guise
The Neuer Stahlhof was built in 1922 as an extension of the Alter Stahlhof – today’s seat of the administrative court. As the management headquarter of Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG respectively Stumm AG, it had the reputation at the time of being the “desk of the Ruhr region”. Today, the completely listed building houses the Versorgungswerk der Rechtsanwälte NRW, the Jones Day business law firm, as well as agencies and specialist doctors’ practices on a total gross floor area of 10,744 m². The nostalgia of the 1920s has not been lost despite all the modernization measures: The 100-year-old high-quality natural stone floor in the stairwell and the paternoster, which is still one of the last in operation in the city, exude their very own charm as witnesses of the past.

Neuer Stahlhof Facts

Neuer Stahlhof in detail
Understatement in expressionist style
The eleven-story building emerged from an architectural competition in which Paul Bonatz, builder of the Stuttgart train station and main representative of the traditionalist architecture of the “Stuttgarter Schule”, convinced the jury with his design. The deliberately chosen unpretentious, sober self-portrayal was reflected in a modern administrative building that on the one hand skilfully represented the status of the Group, but on the other hand did not appear overdone. Connected to the Alter Stahlhof by inner courtyards, the new steel-framed building stood out for its elaborate longwall and characteristic Expressionist-style facade. The triangular, vertically aligned pillars are still the landmark of the Neuer Stahlhof today, which is considered one of the few remaining expressionist building ensembles.

Shopping on the Kö - Market on the Carlsplatz
The immediate vicinity to the Königsallee leaves nothing to be desired. Whether for a glamorous shopping tour, an elegant night out or a stroll – the famous luxury boulevard offers something for every taste. And those who prefer something more rustic will find themselves in good hands at Carlsplatz. On one of the oldest marketplaces still in operation in Düsseldorf, you will find fresh fruit and vegetables, cheese, meat and fish offered by market vendors, as well as a wide variety of gastronomic offerings.